About Morning Glory
One of the original classes to be ran at Unit 27, it has seriously stood the test of time however it has gone through a series of evolutionary stages to get to where it is now! We program the session to work in a downward format, using a variety of exercises, which can range from body weight, to weighted (not heavy), to sprints and so on..
Like the majority of the classes we run at Unit 27, its based upon improving that fitness capacity we all so desire, increase with that stubborn fat loss and release those endorphin’s!
What better way to start your morning than a bit of Unit 27 punishment!
Class Time Frame:
- 60 Minutes
- Work time – 30 minutes
Maximum Number Of People:
- 40 people
Class Level:
- Open to all fitness levels
Class Structure:
- The class is set up with exercises chosen and performed on a repetitive basis
- Customers work consecutively through the exercises in order
Extra Morning Glory Information
Morning Glory is based on 8-12 of exercises performed at low repetition but all the exercises must be repeated
Morning glory every day will be different is depending on the coach.
- AMRAP ( as many rounds or reps as possible)
- EMOM ( every minute on the minute )
Start the class with coach explaining the instruction on the board and demonstrate all the movements by assistant coach and follow with stretching, warm up and demos to take 30 minutes.
30 minutes workout with everyone finishing at the same time as it is a repetitive based session. This session for burning fat and improving the physical performance over a longer period of time.
Morning Glory Gallery
Morning Glory Weekly Session Times
Sign Up For Morning Glory
Don’t miss out, class space is limited to 40 per session, book early or contact us about package deals and plans!