Unit-27 6 Week Santa Shred
We at Unit-27 have come to the reality that we won't be seeing many of you by the end of the year, but we are ok with that, because we believe it's time now to offer you the next best thing, by bringing Unit-27 TO YOU! We are launching a 6 week online coaching programme that boasts all the utensils in which you wish you could have on a fitness app such as the below: To ensure that we can provide you guys with the best service possible we are only accepting 10 Troopers on initially for the Six Week Santa Shred! The Academy was born out of a desire to get online coaching in the pockets of everyone who needs it and in true Unit-27 [...]
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Blood Pressure, Stress & Maximal Results
The pressure of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. Most of this pressure is done by the heart pumping blood through the circulatory system. It’s expressed in terms of the systolic pressure, maximum during one heartbeat over diastolic pressure, minimum in between 2 heart beats. It is measures in millimetres of mercury (mmHg) above the surrounding atmospheric pressure. One of the easiest things that I like to use that really shows an insight into someone’s health health is blood pressure. Research shows that 68% of all mortality risk, occurs with a systolic blood pressure between 120 on 140 (Altern, 2002). Now if yo [...]
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Unit-27 Academy 4 Week Challenge!
We’d like to say a special thank you to the 300+ of you who took part in our 'Foundations Of a Transformation' online program last month. It was a huge success with some drastic results, massive lifestyle changes and an amazing community built along the way. We know that your time at Unit-27 is special but unfortunately represents a small % of your year. Our vision is to impact your health and fitness positively before and after you’ve left the Unit so keep your eyes peeled for more exciting announcements from us on how we’ll be doing just that. We look forward to welcoming Danielle with us in August for the Trooper on Tour, [...]
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The Unit-27 Coaching Academy – COMING SOON!!
For those of you that didn't know, Unit-27 has been working incredibly hard over the past number of months to build an online coaching membership site that will truly supersede anything that's currently available to you right now! The Unit-27 Coaching Academy is an online membership site built upon providing you with the ultimate coaching experience when you leave Unit-27. We recognise that while you're in Thailand you're receiving an unparalleled level of coaching that always provides you with the platform to achieve incredible results but there is no exit strategy... Until now. Compiling everything that Unit-27 believes should be [...]
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Protein Powder
There is a lot of misconceptions around protein supplements but regardless of goal, training frequency, current body fat, gender, a protein powder may be a good addition to you diet. The most common things I get asked to do with protein powder is how much, when to use it, and what type. Before asking if you need a protein powder you need to know what your current protein intake is and what your protein intake should be in relationship to your goals. If you don’t know the answer to either of those questions, then working that out would be more beneficial than just buying a protein powder and hoping for the best. A good protein [...]
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Songkran Workout!
Songkran is something that those of us who have been blessed enough to call Thailand home for a long duration of time know what to expect every year. However, Unit-27 is so blessed to show those who are new to Thailand every year what it's all about, and that's all about having fun, and really throwing yourself into the culture of Thailand. It's Thailands most famous festival, an incredibly important event on the buddhist calendar and marks the beginning of the traditional Thai New Year! Unit-27 is renowned for throwing a good competition, but this year, we really out did ourselves, with 4 incredibly (probably oversized) "floaties", [...]
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